The Winfield-Mt. Union School District is set to hold a special election on whether to issue general obligation bonds for proposed projects.
The school district has presented voters with a $3.2 million dollar bond to construct a performing arts/athletic competition facility, a classroom addition to the industrial tech building and a weight room addition to the high school building. Superintendent Jeff Maeder shares how this proposal could provide opportunities not just for students, “We really thought about how we could integrate some community use out of that space as well. There’s currently not a lot of places in the town of Winfield for families, community groups to gather. We do have the veterans building uptown. It’s an aging structure but it’s still utilized as one of the main places. So we thought this facility might meet that need as well.”
Maeder adds that the current space in the weight room and gym is too small to accommodate events and the amount of students using them. Election day is September 14th with polls open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m., and mailed absentee ballots must be received by the county auditor by 8 p.m. Residents can vote via absentee at the Henry, and Louisa county auditor’s offices from 8-4:30 p.m. from now until September 13th. Mailed absentee ballot requests must be received by the respective auditor’s office no later than 5 p.m. on August 30th.