
A new specialty Byways Tour in Kalona is ready to give local residents a better look into their Amish community.

The Kalona Chamber of Commerce is now providing a special Buggy Rides Byways Tour throughout the month of September. Participants will have the opportunity to ride in an Amish buggy while getting a chance to see the landscape and other parts of the Kalona community. The tour will feature behind the scenes looks at the Buggy Shop, Creekside eBikes and JK Creative Woods. Kalona Chamber Assistant Director Krista Hershberger expresses her excitement for this tour and hopes to have more specialty tours in the future,(3:39) “We are starting to incorporate these specialty tours and the buggy rides is actually the first one. So, yeah, we’re just really excited to get these going and we hope to offer a variety of specialty tours. I think the buggy rides will definitely be a popular one to start with for sure.”

Tickets for the buggy rides will be $30 dollars for adults and $15 for children 12 and under. Tours will be offered every Wednesday in September starting at 11 a.m. and finishing at 1. For more information visit the Kalona Chamber of Commerce Facebook page or this story at kciiradio.com.