The Winfield-Mt. Union Wolves are ready to pounce on the Iowa Valley Tigers during homecoming week.
This year’s homecoming features dress up days for students and staff, king and queen coronation, powder puff games, parade, and a dance. This week everyone will have the opportunity to dress up throwing it back with clothes, hair and trends from previous decades. Wednesday will be class color day with coronation at 6:30 p.m. in the gym, and boys powder puff volleyball and girls powder puff football games to follow. Thursday’s dress up is devoted to mom and dad clothes, and, Friday is spirit day. A school assembly will take place at 2:30 Friday afternoon followed by the parade. The Wolves will square off against the Tigers at 7 p.m. with a dance following the game to conclude homecoming week. The 2021 Homecoming court includes Annabelle Loveless, Morgan Grelk, Jobey Malone, Carlee Sloan Gabriela Magalhaes, Anden Gipple, Lane Scorpil, Konner Wade and Griffin Humphreys.