
Kids may think of September as a time for new notebooks, backpacks and clothing, but it’s also a time for families to refresh another set of supplies.

The second week of National Preparedness Month focuses on building an emergency supply kit, which should have supplies to last you and the others in your household for several days after a disaster. This includes one gallon of water per person per day and at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food, first aid kit, medication, as well as food and water for your pet if applicable. Washington County Emergency Management Coordinator Marissa Reisen shares why building a kit is stressed every September, “A good time to update your kit is at the beginning of the school year or at a significant point in time because if you have kids, the things that they need within that kit are going to change. So when they’re itty bitties and you need formula and diapers you don’t need those same items once those kids reach a certain age. So ‘build a kit’ is going to be in the themes every year because you need to go in and update your kit.”

With the ongoing pandemic Reisen also recommends your kit to include face masks for everyone two years old and above, soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes for surfaces. You can find more information on how to build a kit by visiting here.