
Polls open tomorrow for two bond referendum elections in the Washington and Winfield-Mt. Union school districts.

The Washington School District is asking whether to issue up to $25 million in general obligation bonds to replace their current middle school with four new additions to the high school including a new gymnasium. Winfield-Mt. Union is asking whether to issue $3.255 million in bonds to construct a performing arts/athletic facility, a classroom addition to the industrial tech building, and a weight room addition to the high school building. Polls are open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. in the basement of the Washington County Courthouse and at Brighton Town Hall for the Washington referendum, and at Winfield City Hall, Morning Sun Community Building, and Columbus City Masonic Lodge for the Winfield-Mt. Union referendum. Absentee ballots are also due by 8 p.m. at the Washington, Henry, and Louisa county auditor’s offices. Listen to KCII when the polls close for the unofficial results.