Residents in the Washington and Winfield-Mt. Union school districts decided whether to issue general obligation bonds for facility projects in two special elections Tuesday.
Washington’s $25 million referendum passed with about 75% of voters showing support. Seven hundred and eighty-eight yes votes and 255 no votes were cast, and the public measure needed 627 votes or 60% to pass. The district seeks to move their middle school facilities to the high school with four additions to that building.
Winfield-Mt. Union’s $3.255 million referendum failed to pass, with 161 votes in favor out of 371, or about 43% of the vote. Their public measure asked to issue bonds to construct, furnish and equip a combination performing arts/athletic competition facility and improve the site; to construct, build, and furnish a classroom addition to the industrial tech building, and a weight room addition to the high school building.
Results are unofficial until a canvassing by each controlling county’s board of supervisors.