
After many submissions and consideration from the Kalona City Council, six recipients have been named for this year’s Kalona Community Awards.

Steve Reif, Nancy Reif-Roth, Helen Slechta, Ron Harland, Grace Schumann, and Katie Miller have served the city in a variety of ways. Reif was the long-time owner of Reif’s Family Store and has been a big supporter of the Kalona Historical Society. Steve’s daughter Nancy is the managing director for the historical society and has managed the Kalona Fall Festival for over 15 years. Slechta has been on the historical society board of directors for over 25 years. Harland is a retired member of the Kalona Fire Department and worked at the post office and public library. Grace Schumann is the owner of Stitch N Sew Cottage and volunteers for the Kalona Chamber of Commerce. Rounding out the recipients is Katie Miller who has worked at Yotty’s Ace Discount for over 41 years. City Administrator Ryan Schlabaugh explains why the city began the recognition program in 2011, “We see such great community support for a lot of different aspects, whether it be volunteerism for our local events, whether it be [the] school district, whether it be our community events and so forth. So it was just a way to recognize those individuals that play a role in certain aspects that make our community what it is.”

Recipients will be presented with a custom clock award by Schlabaugh and Sons at 2 p.m. Saturday, September 25th on the main stage during the Kalona Fall Festival.