
The Washington Marching Demons are competing for the first time in two years at two events tomorrow in southeast Iowa.

The band will be performing at 1 p.m. during the 17th annual Fort Madison High School Marching Classic and at 8:45 p.m. during the 21st annual Mount Pleasant Marching Band Invitational. Washington is performing a Greek mythology-inspired show titled “Orpheus” which was composed by alum John Flannery. Senior Drum Major Mateo Salazar says he’s glad he gets to have one final competition season after COVID-19 cancelled last year’s events, “It was very restricted, we didn’t have a whole lot to do. Mostly we just played for the football games and it was kind of sad because not everybody get the experience of a band season.”

The Demons are one of 10 bands performing at the Fort Madison Marching Classic beginning at noon at Richmond Stadium with admission at $8 for adults, $5 for students and senior citizens, and those in preschool and younger admitted free. Nineteen high schools compete at the Mount Pleasant invitational beginning at 5:45 p.m. at the district’s Mapleleaf Athletic Complex with admission at $5 for those school age and older. Concessions will be available at both events.