A possible solution to a lack of paramedics was brought to the Washington County Board of Supervisors Tuesday.
Washington County Ambulance Service Director Jeremy Peck and Assistant Pat Curl stated that the lack of paramedics is a nationwide problem, and they are looking into the possibility of having a Basic Life Support (BLS) truck which could transport patients to hospitals but not require a paramedic on board. Peck stated that 58% of last year’s calls were BLS, but they still needed Advanced Life Support (ASL) providers on hand to assess the patient. One question Peck posed was how often they would have a BLS truck operate, and he mentioned that so far they have responded to 200 more calls this year, and in the last month they had around 30 third or fourth crew calls. No action was requested on the matter, as Peck said this will be something to hear about in the future as other similar ambulance services are faced with this issue.