A former Wellman resident was recently given a suspended prison sentence for two counts of violating his sex offender registration – second or subsequent offense, a class D felony.
Court records show that through a plea agreement 50-year-old Steven Michael Davis was ordered to serve a probation period of 2-5 years, and two concurrent five-year prison sentences were suspended. Davis must stay on the sex offender registry and pay fines totaling $3,000 with a 15% surcharge and category B restitution. Davis was arrested on May 25th for offenses dated from February 21st and 27th.
Washington County Attorney John Gish tells KCII that he argued for prison time, but Judge John Wright adopted the Department of Corrections’ recommendation for probation, “The Sex Offender Registry was designed to hold sex offenders accountable and give peace of mind to a community. When a sex offender violates the registry, especially when they violate registry requirements repeatedly like Steven Davis, I am of the opinion they should go to prison.”
A sentencing has not been issued for a probation violation charge Davis has on a conviction of violation of sex offender verification in Iowa County. KCII will bring you more information as it becomes official.