Good weather and few obstacles have allowed Washington County Conservation to make good progress on phase two paving of the Kewash Nature Trail.
A 1.41 mile portion of the trail from Willow Pond to the Crooked Creek Bridge has been closed since August 16 for the work being done by DeLong Construction. Washington County Conservation Executive Director Zach Rozmus says that gravel has been laid across a majority of the trail and work is continuing along as scheduled. A point of concern from the public was maintaining the tree canopy in this portion of the trail in response to what was lost during the paving phase. Rozmus explains that extra precautions have been taken throughout this whole process and the canopy will be safe, “To this point I don’t believe we’ve had anything that’s going to interfere with what the public was wanting as far as tree removal or anything like that. The tree canopy is very much still in place and all the trees are still in place so I think they are going to be really happy with that. We just wanted to prove that in this project, you know that that was a priority that the conservation board is maintaining that tree canopy.”
While the project’s completion is scheduled for the spring, the board hopes to have construction done before the start of winter.