
After a virtual event was held last year, Washington County 4-H is returning to typical festivities for their annual award program.

The celebration is being held at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Washington. All Washington County 4-H members and relatives, club leaders, and other 4-H volunteers are invited and encouraged to attend. This event is held to recognize the 2020-2021 year of learning and growing in the 4-H program and is organized by the county council and 4-H and Youth Committee. The evening will include installation of the 2021-2022 county council and ELITE Project Team members, recognize adult volunteers and businesses, record book awards, CBI Bank 4-H Participation Awards and other special honors. Families who wish to participate should bring a dozen cookies or pre-cut bars for an intermission dessert bar. For more information contact the Washington County Extension Office.