A Washington man was recently ordered to continue his probation on three felony cases.
Court documents show that 37-year-old Derek Brandon Morgan violated the terms of his probation on convictions of dominion of a firearm by a felon and two counts of third-degree burglary, both class D felonies; and third degree theft, an aggravated misdemeanor. Morgan was ordered on November 5th to continue on probation under a special condition to reside in a treatment facility of the Eighth Judicial District for 365 days or until maximum benefits have been achieved. Until space is available at the facility, Morgan shall be held in the Washington County Jail. He is also ordered to pay Category B restitution in full. Morgan’s convictions stem from offenses that occurred on August 16 and September 11, 2019, and December 19, 2020. This is the third time Morgan has violated his probation for two of his felony cases.