The Washington City Council awarded a bid for the Wellness Park Water Main Extension project during their recent meeting.
Two bids came in below the engineer’s estimate of $79,075 from DeLong Construction and Cornerstone Excavating. The council awarded the contract to the lower bid of $69,210 from DeLong Construction. The council also approved task order no. 3 from Steve Soupir of Fox Engineering for services totaling $71,440 for the Community Development Block Grant water main improvement project. Soupir said a large part of the engineering has already been completed for the installation of 3,800 linear feet of water main on East Main Street from 12th to 15th Avenue, West Washington Boulevard from D to F Avenue, and West Madison Street from C to H Avenue. Soupir says the city has added an additional 1,700 linear feet of water main to the project due to additional funding through the federal American Rescue Plan Act, “The previous city administrator decided to wait on this project until the CDBG grant funding was approved. The third time around that CDBG grant submittal was awarded for the city, once we heard of that award we started the process of acquiring easements.”
Soupir says the city will have to acquire around 15 easements for the additional work from H Avenue to Highway 1, and they hope to have this completed and award a contract bid in March. The total cost of the project is $2.5 million, using up to $600,000 in CDBG funds. For more information on the easement process, visit here.