
For over half a century Washington city and county partners have been able to grant a special gift to residents in need during the holiday season, thanks to the charitable spirit of a long-departed Washington resident.

Applications are being accepted for the Ella Griffith Trust. Mayor Jaron Rosien shared about the trust during a recent city council meeting, remarking that Griffith owned a parcel of farmland near Washington. Having no children to pass the land onto, she established a trust to assist Washington residents in need. Applicants are reviewed by the Washington Mayor, the Washington County Auditor, and the minister of the Washington United Methodist Church. While the value of the land ebbs and flows over the years, County Auditor Dan Widmer says the support it brings to residents seeking financial support is tremendous, “This trust has been helping people for approximately 75 years. It’s just a magnificent thing that Ella did and it’s really neat to see it continuing long, long after her death. It’s designed to help those people in need that live in Washington.”

Applications for the trust can be found at Washington City Hall, the Washington County Auditor’s Office, or at the methodist church. Widmer hopes they can have the recipients chosen and the funds distributed by Christmas Day.