ISU Extension and Outreach is teaming up with another midwest farming organization to bring an educational goat program to southeast Iowa.
The extension dairy team is co-hosting a dairy goat management program with Central States Dairy Goat Production Sale. The program will cover topics such as caprine arthritis-encephalitis eradication, dairy goat housing and ventilation, milking system checks, low cost milking systems and improving milk quality. ISU Extension and Outreach Dairy Specialist Dr. Larry Tranel says this program has never been hosted in southeast Iowa and explains why the two organizations selected Kalona as this year’s meeting site, “We have a lot of our Amish farmers that are actually from that territory. So Washington County is actually pretty strong dairy goat territory for us as well. There’s also some dairy cows there as well from the Amish community. The total target is definitely bigger than that.”
The event is scheduled from 10:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. on December 10th and will take place at the Twin County Produce Auction Building in Kalona. There is no charge to attend and lunch will be provided. For contact information and a full schedule, visit here.