The curtains are up on the Washington Community Center stage for its first theatrical production in over two years titled “My Three Angels.”
Thursday was opening night for the comedy play that takes place in French Guiana at the turn of the 20th century, and centers around three escaped convicts who eventually make friends with a family around Christmas time. Featuring a cast of 10 local players the play is directed by Lynn Loula, Cat Nelson as technical director, Julie Gentz as stage manager, costumes by Lisa Hughes, Krista Gaal, and Gentz, lights by Joe Patterson, sound by Emma Kay, and props by Erika Salgado. The production also includes an intermission performance by the Washington High School Show Choir during intermission. You can catch “My Three Angels” at 7:30 p.m. tonight and tomorrow, and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, with tickets at $12 for adults and $6 for students. You can also hear more about the play in a two-part Halcyon House Washington Page at kciiradio.com.
Cast of Characters
Felix……………Brett Pierson
Emilie…………..Brandi Glaspie
Marie Louise…..Bailey Rees
Mme. Parole…..Kelly Juelsgaard
Joseph…………Chad Goings
Jules……………Todd Patterson
Alfred……………Quill Ramsey
Henri……………Stephen Ivester
Paul…………… Aiden Miller
Lieutenant………Josh Loomis