
Photo by Sam McIntosh.

Photos courtesy of Face Art by Brandi.

A Washington resident frequently seen painting children’s faces at summer festivals has been kept busy this fall bringing color to downtown businesses for the holidays.

Brandi Glaspie has painted holiday depictions on over 20 businesses and homes in Washington this fall, working day and night and even battling some blustery conditions with her 10-year-old daughter Evelyn. Glaspie started her face art business in 2016, and as her summers are booked full with outdoor events and parties, the colder months were typically more quiet, “Then I came across window art and I thought, ‘That looks so much fun!’ It’s kind of one of my life philosophies, I do it because it’s fun and I enjoy it. So I’m one of those lucky few who make a living off enjoying their work.”

A staff member of the Washington Public Library, Glaspie has painted window displays for their summer reading programs the last few years, and this year business has exploded with residents and businesses wanting to her decorate their windows for the holidays. While some displays can take hours to complete including several breaks to warm up her hands, Glaspie shares what makes the work worth it, “I really enjoy the positivity. Everyone walking by likes to say, ‘Hi’ and say that they like it or they just have their own stories and comments. And I love talking to people, I’m a people person, and I just love being a part of a community that’s just so supportive and everyone’s just so kind. I just love everyone.”

Take a stroll around the Washington square to see Glaspie’s work, or view photos by visiting this story at