A Brighton man originally charged with second-degree theft recently pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.
Court documents show 51-year-old Brian Ray Johnson was convicted this week of operating a vehicle without owner’s consent, an aggravated misdemeanor, and eluding, a serious misdemeanor. A two-year prison sentence was suspended for Johnson to be placed on two years probation for the aggravated misdemeanor, and a one-year jail sentence was suspended for Johnson to be placed on one year probation for eluding. Fines totaling $1,235 were suspended pending successful completion of the probation.
The charges stemmed from a May 16th incident. A Washington County Sheriff’s deputy observed a Dodge minivan driven by Johnson that was reported stolen out of Washington on May 7th. After the deputy attempted a traffic stop on the vehicle, Johnson committed numerous traffic violations. The pursuit lasted about one hour, ending south of Fairfield, and stop sticks were deployed.
Johnson was also given suspended one year jail sentences for possession of methamphetamine first offense and assault on persons in certain occupations, both serious misdemeanors, for other incidents that occurred this year.