
As students at WACO Community School District prepare for winter break, members of the WACO community are coming together to offer a special gift.

On December 17th, 7th through 12th grade students will have the opportunity to receive free haircuts and manicures. Jesse Quinones from Off the Top Barber Shop, his wife Kelsie from New Attitude Tanning Salon and Spa and Morgan Greiner from Bell.A.Salon have agreed to donate their time for this event. WACO High School Principal Tim Bartels shares why the school felt it was important to host an event like this, “If we can help kids feel better about themselves and give them some confidence going into this Christmas break, that’s something we certainly want to do. A lot of them haven’t seen family because of the pandemic, haven’t seen family in a long time and this will be the first Christmas where they get to be around others. We want to give them the best opportunity to provide their best version. And that’s going to be awesome for them.”

Bartels added that he and many students have had interactions with Quinones beforehand and that he was more than happy to lend a hand.  WACO is currently looking for more help from local stylists and barbers to make sure every student has the opportunity to receive a haircut. Students and staff will cap off the year with an ugly sweater contest to go along with their new look.