A Kalona farmer recently received recognition from the U.S. Capitol for continuing a family legacy.
On December 1st, U.S. Representative for Iowa’s Second District Mariannette Miller-Meeks addressed the chamber floor to recognize Lewis Payne for receiving a Heritage Farm distinction from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Iowa Farm Bureau. The Heritage award honors family members who have owned and operated the same farm for over 150 years.The Pickard Farm, located south of Mount Pleasant, was originally purchased 172 years ago by Payne’s great-grandfather and has been passed down four generations. Payne says that the farm was originally 261.7 acres and is currently 42.89. He shares his thoughts on receiving the award, “It really means a lot to me. I don’t really deserve that much credit for that land. The ancestors are the ones that went out and sodbusted and pulled the trees to make fields. And built the initial fences and buildings to create that “farm.” I wish they could have been there on stage with me to receive the certificate and the plaque that I have place on a post at the site of that farm.”
Payne received the award during this year’s Iowa State Fair. He hopes his next generation will continue to maintain the farm after him.