The Washington Area Performing Arts and Events Center welcomed visitors from northeast Iowa who wished to tour the facilities for their own auditorium aspirations Wednesday.
WAPAEC Operations Board members Jan Gallagher, Jaron Rosien, and Bob and Millie Youngquist, District Technology Director Jeff Brock and student Nolan Watson gave a backstage tour of the auditorium to a committee of fine arts teachers, retired educators, community members and other school staff from Charles City who are seeking to build their own auditorium for the school district and community.
The Charles City group connected with Washington through choral director friendships, and retired vocal music teacher Tim Mitchell comments on touring Washington’s venue, “It’s very nice just to see what has been done, to talk with other people who have been through the process to remind us what we need to be on the lookout for, what we need to consider, what things they would change. And that’s very helpful so far today and we’re just getting started as we keep asking questions and getting ideas.”
The WAPAEC celebrated its fifth birthday this October, which was a joint venture of the school district and the city. It was built with support from many local donors, a school bond levy, the Washington County Riverboat Foundation, and the Vision Iowa Community Attraction and Tourism Fund. The center is used for public and school events, and events hosted by the Washington Concert Association.