A second suspect has requested to be tried in juvenile court for the alleged murder of Fairfield Spanish teacher Nohema Graber.
Court documents show that 16-year-old Jeremy Everett Goodale filed the motion this week. Goodale and 16-year-old Willard Noble Chaiden Miller are both charged with first-degree murder, a class A felony, and conspiracy to commit a forcible felony, a class C felony. Miller also filed to be tried in juvenile court which was resisted by Jefferson County Attorney Chauncey Moulding. Under Iowa Code, forcible felonies alleged to have been committed by juveniles 16 years of age or older at the time of the offense are excluded from the jurisdiction of the juvenile court unless good cause is shown. Moulding argues that because of the nature of the allegations, there could be no reasonable prospects for rehabilitation in the juvenile court system before the defendant turns 18 and “ages out” of that system.
A pretrial conference is scheduled for them both on March 21st with a jury trial beginning April 19th. Chief District 8 Judge Mary Ann Brown filed last week to have District 8 Judge and former Washington County Attorney Shawn Showers preside over the cases. He will be replacing Judge Joel Yates, which was not resisted by defense counsels. KCII will bring you more information as it becomes official.