
As Iowa recently surpassed last year’s total traffic fatality count, law enforcement urges residents to drive safe this New Year’s holiday weekend.

The state has 348 traffic-related deaths this year, compared to 343 in 2020. It’s the highest count since 2016 which saw 402 deaths. Iowa State Patrol and other agencies are in the midst of a special traffic enforcement period now through January 1st, so ISP District 13 Public Resource Officer Jason Marlow urges residents to plan ahead if you will be celebrating New Year’s with an impairing substance. He suggests designating a sober driver, calling a ride service, or planning overnight arrangements, “I know there has been an overall awareness from business owners to provide safe rides home for some of their customers and we thank them for that. So take advantage of that, maybe it’s a stay and play type opportunity and things of that nature where you could stay overnight at a hotel whether it’s here in town or other places throughout the listening area.”

Marlow also urges everyone to buckle their seatbelts, put down their electronic devices, and be wary of road and weather conditions when driving this winter. ISP strives each year to cap traffic fatalities at 300.