The Riverside City Council continued discussion on the Third Street project during a work session on December 23rd. 

Members of the council, Mayor Allen Schneider and city administrator Christine Yancey walked along Third Street with Axiom Consultants to review possible options for the project. Included in the preliminary plans are updates to the water mains, sidewalks, storm sewers and new pavement. Yancey says some of the topics covered during the walk around included potential problem areas, elevation on the street for storm sewer and water services, the addition of a retaining wall and removal of trees along the street. The council also discussed completing smaller projects on Washburn, Greene and Rose streets. Engineer’s estimate for the Third Street work came in at $1,283,183. If the council were to take on the additional street projects, the total would be brought up to over $2,997,000. Yancey says Axiom Consultants plan to return to the council with changes to the plans based on the concerns expressed and to set  a public meeting date for those that could be impacted by the construction. The council hopes to get the project out for bid around the start of February with construction beginning later in 2022.