As we wave goodbye to 2021, Riverside Mayor Allen Schneider takes a look back at progress made in his community.
While the past two years have shared similar struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic, Schneider feels that the community was able to get back on track and start heading in the right direction this year. He says he was happy to see the community engaging in events such as Trekfest, summer baseball and softball programs and school activities at Highland. Riverside also saw an increase in homes being built and home sales during the summer. Schneider adds he was glad to see the new county wide radio system go live which provides nearly 100% in-house handheld reception for emergency agencies. Looking ahead to 2022, Schneider says street improvements will continue to be prioritized, “Over the last four to five years, we’ve been doing a number of infrastructure projects throughout town. And we’re going to get back to that this year with a project that will improve our Third Street area. We’ve got a number of other streets that feed off of that, that could potentially be built into that as well. New curb and gutter and then just some of the updating to the infrastructure in those areas as well.”
Other projects Schneider looks forward to in the new year include upgrades to Railroad Park. Work is set to begin in late February to install soft-fall material on the playgrounds, update playground equipment, add more parking along River and Hickory streets, and a six-foot wide perimeter walking path with mile markers. He says that preparation has already begun for Riverside’s 150th anniversary celebration that will take place during the next Trekfest. You can hear more from Schneider during Thursday’s JJ Nichting Company In Touch with Southeast Iowa program at kciiradio.com.