
A Mount Pleasant woman recently pleaded guilty to felony drug charges in Henry County. 

Court documents show that 49-year-old Melissa Stein is convicted of conspiring to deliver five grams or less of methamphetamine, a class C felony, and gathering where controlled substances are unlawfully used other than marijuana, a class D felony. Stein was given 10  and five year suspended prison sentences to be placed on five years probation for each count to be served concurrently. Fines totalling $2,395  have suspended. Stein is ordered to pay $250 in court-appointed legal fees and court costs as determined by the clerk of the district court . The charges stem from an investigation beginning in August of 2020. During the investigation, phone records were received from Stein’s phone number which indicated drug trafficking, including pricing and quantities. Officials had also received complaints of short-term traffic coming and going from Stein’s residence. On December 9, 2020, a search warrant was executed at her residence where two small plastic baggies containing methamphetamine were located. A digital scale with residue and several unused, small clear plastic baggies were also found along with smoking devices with marijuana remnants. She admitted to helping facilitate drug transactions and was subsequently arrested. Court documents show another class C felony controlled substance charge is scheduled to be dismissed on January 18th at Stein’s cost without further order from the court.