
The Washington County Board of Supervisors approved the first reading of its new districting plan and corresponding voter precinct plan Monday.

Iowa’s county supervisors have until January 15th to draw new district lines following the 2020 Census, and Washington County Auditor Dan Widmer explained during the supervisors’ meeting who determines these boundaries, “A group of five individuals that were selected to take care of this redistricting and especially with regards to supervisors. And they spent a lot of time and a lot of energy, and I think they did an outstanding job and I really appreciate their efforts.”

Three of the redistricting commission members were appointed by the supervisors and two were appointed by the county democratic chair. The commission was composed of Lorraine Williams, Harold Frakes, Bill Poch, Chris Graber, and Steve Swaffer. Washington County Geographic Information System Coordinator Dewy Royer and County Deputy Auditor Sue Meeks worked with the commission to draw the districts in accordance with population changes, and Widmer said there was very little variance in population for the districts. One change he noted is there will now be a voting precinct in Richmond instead of West Chester. While Widmer said the commission strived to accommodate residents’ transportation needs in determining locations, he reminded that those who don’t wish to vote at a new location can vote by absentee ballot. Supervisor Jack Seward, Jr. said the commission all worked admirably to draw these maps, and the board will consider approval of the second reading with possible waiving of the third next week.