
One quick move can put you in a world of hurt on snow and ice-covered surfaces, and Washington County Hospital and Clinics gives advice on how to keep yourself upright and safe this winter.

Falls among adults 65 years and older caused 34,000 deaths in 2019 making it the leading cause of injury death for that age group, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. WCHC Physical Therapist Nicole Naraine recommends to slow down while walking outside when there’s snow or ice, “And then keeping a wider base of support gives you better balance, taking smaller steps is also a good tip. And then just remember that ice can be hard to see. So you always just want to keep a look out for that and sometimes even testing it with your foot before you go out is a good idea, just to make sure you’re not going to be stepping on ice that you don’t really see that it’s there.”

Naraine adds to cover up with warm clothing, gloves, and footwear with good traction even when taking out the garbage or grabbing the mail. If you do fall, it’s also helpful to carry a cell phone to call a neighbor, relative, or emergency medical help. You can hear more about winter-related injury prevention in today’s Halcyon House Washington Page on air and at kciiradio.com.