The Riverside City Council continued to discuss possible options for the 3rd Street project during their regular meeting Monday.
City Administrator Christine Yancey presented the council with an overview of the 3rd Street walk around that was conducted on December 23rd. Items discussed included an easement needed for work on the street from Rose to Hickory Street, replacing a service line from the water main and possible lowering of intake at 3rd and Ella Street among other improvements along 3rd, 2nd and Rose Streets. Engineer’s estimate for the just the 3rd Street work came in at $1,283,183. If the council were to take on the additional street projects, the total would go over $2,997,000. Yancey says that the council had no additions to the overview and they’ll continue review during a budget meeting on Monday. The council will review which projects are affordable and funding options available for the project such as a State Revolving Fund loan or issuing a bond. Yancey added that the council is reviewing traffic issues at the intersection of East 2nd and Rose streets near East Hickory Street, or Highway 22. They are considering closing Rose either where it intersects with 2nd or with Hickory.