An East Adams Street improvement project was discussed with the public at the Washington City Council meeting Tuesday.
A public hearing that was scheduled for plans, schedule, and estimate of cost for the work was not held as city staff realized the council needs to hold a public hearing on a resolution for the necessity of the project beforehand. Mayor Jaron Rosien still welcomed comments from residents who live on the street during the meeting for the proposal to pave East Adams from South 9th to South 15th Avenue, the installation of new storm water sewer main and drainage structures along East Adams, and the installation of sidewalks along the street. Resident Lynn Thomas commented that this project is needed, but she did give some concerns on how the work would affect residents on the south side of the street, particularly the construction of a sidewalk. Resident Sandra Pacha commented that she was unaware of the sidewalk portion of the work and she felt that most residents deem it not necessary. Rosien responded that while the city has sometimes been met with resistance for sidewalk construction, it’s been a standard of their street projects in the last decade or so, “In the bigger picture it has been met with necessity, accessibility, walkability, ADA accommodations, safety, overall community desirability. Sometimes a sidewalk goes in and not all the dots are connected yet and it doesn’t make sense. But we feel or have seen that a concern would be that children, grandchildren or in 20 years someone could stand right where you’re standing and say, ‘Why in the world did you not put a sidewalk in when you did this street 30 years ago?’”
Resident Joe Redlinger asked how soon those who live in the affected area will have to pay for the new property assessments, and City Attorney Kevin Olson stated that the full amount can be paid with no interest within 30 days after project completion, or they can pay for up to 10 years with interest accrued annually. The city plans to hold a public hearing for the resolution for necessity at their January 18th meeting with the public hearing for the plans on January 25th. Feedback from residents is welcome at those hearings.