Whether it’s out of love or for a living, all caregivers in Washington County are invited to an informational event hosted by the Heritage Area Agency on Aging.
Heritage is hosting a free webinar to discuss what is caregiving and who has a role in it, available services for caregivers and their loved ones in Washington County, and the Caregiver Support Program offered by Heritage. Participants can share what caregiving needs they or the community have. Heritage Community Engagement Coordinator Harrison March says this is their first time hosting this kind of event for a large audience rather than directly to an individual group or church, “We want this event to sort of be a two-way street where they can learn about support services not only from Heritage, but from other organizations and services in the area and then we want to hear from them. What are some things that they see that we could improve on that the community doesn’t have but needs? Maybe the community has enough of, so we can go focus on other stuff. We want to make sure that this is an open conversation between us, between the caregivers, so that we’re all kind of working toward each other’s mutual benefit.”
This two-part program includes the webinar happening from 10-11:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 25th via Zoom. The second installment will be a free luncheon later this spring with further details to be announced. Pre-registration is preferred by calling 319-398-5559 or emailing heritage.agency@kirkwood.edu.
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