
Photo courtesy of Highland Elementary School.

Students at Highland Elementary recently came together to help raise money for the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital.

The Highland Elementary School Improvement Advisory Committee put together a campaign to do something charitable while having a little fun. With two representatives from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes, the committee chose three possible fundraisers which the student body then voted to select the hospital. The first three Wednesdays in December, students could pay a dollar to wear a hat or chew gum in school for that day. Highland Elementary Principal Jane O’Leary says that all of this was inspired by conversations the committee had when putting together the elementary school code of conduct. She emphasized that the students did a lot of the work with creating posters and gathering and counting money and hopes that this experience can help students get more involved, “I think this has been a great first step in getting student voice into the elementary [school]. I would like to see students, like all people, practice listening to what somebody is saying. Looking for those areas where we can help improve. Whether it’s [to] improve something here at our school or improve something in the community. I just like them to keep that passion for helping others.”

A total of $1,100 was raised. Next steps for the SIAC include presenting the code of conduct and for staff to continue to work alongside these students. O’Leary says the goal of the committee is to provide students with more opportunities to voice their thoughts on how to improve the school.