
The Mid-Prairie School Board held two public hearings for transfer of funds to their flexibility account and HVAC specifications at the Home School Education Center during their regular meeting Monday.

Superintendent Mark Schneider says that the board approved a total of $259,000 in funds to be transferred to the flexibility account. He explains the process behind the fund transfer, “State law allows us to take the fund balances at the end of the year from the Home School Assistance Program, from the preschool program and the Teacher Professional Learning Program and transfer those funds to the flexibility account. The only account that we had funds leftover [from] was the Home School Assistance Program and this is due to the large number of students we have in our Home School Assistance Program.”

Schneider added that this transfer will allow the district to use these funds for other expenditures. Following the fund transfer approval, the board held a public hearing with Tim Fehr of Shive-Hattery Inc. to discuss the ventilation replacement in the Home School Education Center. Schneider says the project will cost $300,000-$350,000 and that they will be using Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to finance the project. He added that the project is out for bid and hopefully they will be able to move forward with a selected bid during their next regular meeting. Construction is scheduled to begin during summer break with the system startup in the third week of August.