
The Washington City Council was nearly divided on how to fill the Ward 1 Councilor vacancy left by Danielle Pettit-Majewski during Tuesday’s meeting.

Mayor Jaron Rosien informed the council that two residents have publicly submitted their interest in the seat that represents the northwest quadrant of town, Bethany Glinsmann and Deran DeLong, chair of the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission, as well as a couple other people who have contacted the city. Rosien mentioned that the city has not filled a council vacancy by appointment in his nine years of serving the city, and at a previous council meeting he cited quorum issues and taxpayer cost of holding an election as reasons to appoint. On Tuesday he updated that the suspected quorum issues have been resolved, and he mentioned that the cost of an election is about $2,500.

With two or more people interested in the seat, Council Member Millie Youngquist expressed that the council shouldn’t choose between the candidates, and Council Member Illa Earnest voiced concern whether the public will petition for an election if they appoint someone anyways. As mixed opinions were given Rosien commented that a motion for an election would be appropriate, “I thought appointment would be a really good fit but then having multiple candidates, if we don’t have a unanimous vote on who we appoint, it doesn’t make things off to a good start.”

A motion for an election failed with Council Members Elaine Moore, Fran Stigers, and Steven Gault voting nay. Those three councilors then passed a motion for appointment at their February 15th meeting, giving the required time to publish a legal notice. The public then can petition for a special election. If the council had approved Tuesday for an election it could have been as early as March 1st, concurrently with Mid-Prairie’s bond referendum. Rosien urged the council for unanimous support of appointment on February 15th.