
A presentation of the fiscal year 2023 budget and discussion of raising the property tax levy was held during this week’s special Washington City Council meeting.

Finance Director and Co-Interim City Administrator Kelsey Brown presented the budget which planned for the tax levy to remain at about $15.22 per $1,000 of valuation, which has been at that rate since it was about 50 cents higher four years ago. City Council Members Elaine Moore and Steven Gault voiced concern at how much higher the tax levy would have to be in fiscal year 2024 to keep up with inflation and other rising costs if they don’t change the levy now. Gault proposed that they increase the levy somewhat, “It’s been a long time coming and it’s one of those situations where I don’t want to do it at all, but if we don’t do a little bit this year and a little bit next year we’re going to do a lot next year, it’s as simple as that.”

New City Administrator Deanna McCusker agreed with Gault, and Mayor Jaron Rosien directed the city staff to come back with a recommended rate increase. The budget overview also included a 3% average non-union salary increase for city employees, $1.5 million budgeted for the start of their downtown streetscape expansion, relighting a runway at the municipal airport which is 90% funded by the Federal Aviation Administration, and an engineer evaluation of the North 2nd Avenue underpass. Outside entity funding is also tentatively at the same amounts as last year for the Washington Economic Development Group, Main Street Washington, Tourism Committee, and fireworks as the city expressed to these organizations that this year is not the time for them to ask for more funds.