
The Mid-Prairie School Board approved a new board policy regarding Licensed Employee Resignation along with a new incentive for early resignation of a licensed employee during their regular meeting Monday.

Superintendent Mark Schneider says that the district provides an incentive for licensed employees that notify the district of their resignation by a certain date. The board began discussions on possible dates and approved the first reading of the policy during their meeting on January 10th. Following the second reading, the board approved a stipend of $2,000 if a licensed employee were to give notice of resignation by the third Friday in February, and a payment of $1,000 if the notice was received by the third Friday in March. Schneider says in past years, some employees have not given the district notice until the middle of May, which makes it difficult to find a replacement for the next school year. Their hope is this will give the district a head start on the hiring process to bring in a qualified replacement.