The WACO School Board approved a new 28E agreement with Winfield-Mt. Union during a recent meeting.
The WMU School District reached out to the WACO district to share a Talented and Gifted endorsed teacher for WMU students in the TAG program. Following conversations, the WACO board approved an agreement that would allow art teacher Amber Scott to provide services for both districts. Superintendent Ken Crawford explains they simply wanted to lend a hand as smaller school districts can have a hard time finding the necessary staff, “Everybody has been in the position at one time or another. If you have someone that is TAG endorsed and they leave your district and you need someone else. I always say somebody with TAG or with health or with English language learners and those [types of services]. When you have one that’s great, when they retire or move to another district you kind of scramble a little on that.”
Crawford says Scott will be at WMU on Mondays and Fridays and at WACO in the middle of the week. The agreement is only until the end of this school year. Crawford says they will reevaluate at the beginning of the next school year.