A Coralville man who was ordered to serve five years probation in Washington County last September for felony drug possession was arrested for violating his probation Monday.
The Washington County Communications Center states at 4:32 p.m. the Johnson County Jail informed them that they had 39-year-old Timothy Donald Messier in custody. Messier is wanted for violating his probation on a conviction of possession of a controlled substance third or subsequent offense, a class D felony. A report of violations was first filed on December 22nd, with an addendum filed on February 3rd, as the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office was informed of a storage unit burglary on December 17th with over $9,700 worth of items stolen. Messier was observed gaining access to and entering the unit and then loading items into a van and leaving the area. He has extensive burglary history and also faces probation violation on several Johnson County cases. Bond was set at $10,000 cash only and extradition arrangements are to be made with Johnson County. KCII will bring you more information as it becomes official.