
An award and some long-deserved vacation time were recently given to a couple whose occupation is to help those along the white line.

George and Anita Moore of Moore’s Towing in Washington traveled to the American Towman Exposition in Baltimore, Maryland last November as George was selected to receive the Order of the Towman from American Towman magazine. With the nature of their business it actually took the Moores four years to accept the award which is only given in person. George was nominated by then-Washington fire chief Tom Wide, and he says it was amazing to see the number of people and equipment that was on display, “There were 10 or 12 thousand people there from all over the United States and there were 80-something people that got this award and there were two or three others I think from Iowa. So if you spread that over the United States, it’s a pretty big deal. And you cannot campaign for it, okay? It’s not something that you go out and try to achieve so that makes it even more humbling to get it.”

George has been a towman for over 35 years, and he and his wife Anita bought her father’s gas station and towing business in 2001. They scaled down their business in 2020 to only towing as George and Anita joked that they wanted to see more of each other. When responding to events that might be the worst in a person’s life, Anita says it’s the little things that make their 24/7 jobs worth it, “The people who really appreciate being helped. It might not be the call that stands out all the time, but a lot of times when he gets back from a call I’ll say, ‘Did they appreciate it?’ And when he says, ‘Yes,’ for me, that helps.”

The Moores remind drivers to slow down and move over if possible when you see any vehicle with flashing lights on the side of the road, and wait to check your social media and other phone notifications for when you’ve made it to your destination. You can hear more from them during Monday’s edition of the KCII Public Safety Special Edition Magazine at 1 and 6 p.m. today and by visiting the On Demand page at