Community members gathered Monday to celebrate the opening of a new public library in Ainsworth.
Washington Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors, library volunteers and members of the community took part in a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the Ainsworth Public Library. The library is located in the former elementary school library in the now-Ainsworth City Center. Coordinator Sherrie Hazen says that getting the library up and running didn’t take long as the Highland School District left many children’s books along with donations from the United Presbyterian Home in Washington. She explains how this project began, “I had started going to the council meetings here in town recently. And I saw those bookshelves and all those books and so I just asked the council, “Is anyone using those books?” And they said they have a summer reading program but otherwise nobody is using them. I love books and so did my mom. And I just asked them, “Do you think it would be okay to start a library?” And they were all for it.”
Hazen added that while she may have formed the idea, many people gave a hand in getting the library up and running. Residents can check out a variety of games, books and puzzles to enjoy at the library or to take home. The library currently has no expenditures as the city is allowing them to use the space free of charge. There is no internet access but Hazen says they will be looking at internet service providers in the future. She says that they currently have eight volunteers and will always accept more. Current hours for the library are 4-6:30 p.m. every Monday. Residents are welcome to contact Hazen for suggestions on expanding hours or to make a reservation. Contact Hazen at sherrie.hazen@gmail.com or call 319-461-0094.