
After long discussions and many meetings, Washington County Conservation has acquired a new area of land. 

Under a contract with Bur Oak Land Trust of Iowa City, Washington County Conservation is set to purchase the 103-acre Gross property adjacent to the English River Wildlife Area northwest of Wellman. Executive Director Zach Rozmus says that conversations began several months ago for the land that was donated to Bur Oak in 2018 by Tom Gross and Linda Lee, and he is happy they are taking steps forward. He explains that he thinks this acquisition will benefit all residents in the area, “It’s a property that’s a unique blend of wetlands, lowland timber and then also some oak and hickory flats on the north side, because it is divided by the English River. But it’s a beautiful property, we’re gonna be excited to get that released to the public to get them out there because it is a property that will be open to public recreation. Whether that be hiking, fishing, hunting, all forms of different recreation.”

Rozmus added that they do not yet own the property as they are purchasing it on contract over two fiscal years. He says they anticipate having full ownership of the property and open the area for recreational use in July or August of this year. Rozmus says that before opening the area for recreational use, they will need to make sure that proper signage is in place to help keep proper boundaries between other properties in the area.