
The Washington Tree Committee gave their annual report to the city council this week and recognized a member that has put in 20 years and counting.

Committee Chair Marde McConnell and member Andy Dahl shared some highlights of 2021, which included their annual spring tree giveaway, with 100 trees that were also given away during the Washington Summer Classic, and tree plantings they did last fall at three city parks and the Elm Grove Cemetery thanks to a $5,000 derecho recovery grant. In the 31 years Washington has had the Tree City, USA designation McConnell shared that they have given away or planted around 13,700 trees and have received about $150,000 each in grants and donations.

Committee Member Rick Wagenknecht presented their Volunteer of the Year award to John Marshall, and shared how Marshall often shows up a few hours earlier than scheduled to start tree plantings. Dahl described how Marshall’s past experience as a postmaster general translated to his volunteering, “Neither rain, nor sleet, nor darkened night shall stay these couriers in the swift completion of their duties. And you have planted in the snow, sleet, rain, maybe the dark of night, the dark of morning most definitely always with a smile on your face. And Rick mentioned the knowledge that you have of every address in town which is an immense help to us but he forgot to mention the most important thing John brings is he’s our caterer.”

Other accomplishments for the tree committee in 2021 included planting 12 trees at the water treatment plant, 30 trees at the Wellness Park, and 20 other trees at city hall, Washington Middle School and High School, and Lincoln Elementary which they were assisted by the Green Acres 4-H Club. Those who would like to volunteer with the committee can find more information in this story at