Representative for Iowa’s Second District Mariannette Miller-Meeks – R, believes the State of the Union delivered by President Joe Biden – D Tuesday did not bring solutions to the issues facing the country and instead reverted back to progressive left policies.
The President highlighted the Ukrainian resistance against Russian invasion and the path he has chosen to take in regards to military, humanitarian and economic help for Ukraine and sanctions, diplomacy and other deterrents to President Vladimir Putin’s regime. Biden also broached the subjects of economic issues that have occurred during his administration including inflation, job growth and energy costs. Miller-Meeks shared her thoughts on Biden’s proposals with KCII News, “I was pleasantly surprised that President Biden started by encouraging and supporting the Ukrainian people who have an amazing and courageous job by trying to push back against Russia and their unmitigated, unprecedented invasion and act of war. After that, we’ve heard the claims of unity and bi-partisanship before. It was discouraging that here’s a president who has policies with a high disapproval rating, they have led to a crisis at the border, increased inflation, food costs and drug costs. Instead of trying to address those issues, he continued down the pathway of the progressive left. Governor Reynolds gave the response to the State of the Union and she put forward a pathway on how Iowa has become the most resilient state after the pandemic. We opened our economy, we opened our schools, we tried to keep people safe throughout the pandemic while at the same time giving them the information they needed to keep themselves healthy and lowered taxes.”
You can hear more from Representative Miller-Meeks on Thursday’s JJ Nichting Company In Touch With Southeast Iowa Program available online at KCIIradio.com.