The Washington County Mini Bus building looks noticeably different as work on the new office addition nears its destination.
Greiner Buildings is the contractor for the new facility constructed onto the south side of the building originally built in 1975 on West 5th Street in Washington. They are also renovating the older portion into bus storage with overhead doors on the east and west sides. The project is largely funded by a $472,546 Public Transit Infrastructure Grant from the Iowa Transportation Commission. Mini Bus Transit Director Cris Gaughan says work is near completed on the exterior, “They’re framing the inside, they’re getting all the offices, boardroom, break room, that kind of thing, getting it all framed in with the windows and doors. Last week they worked on plumbing and heating, electrical has been going on for several days. This week they started on replacing the steel on the outside of the existing building as well and they’ve framed in the west side overhang door. So it’s a work in progress but it is coming along nicely.”
Gaughan is excited to move into the new building which will be ADA-compliant, with an enclosed dispatch area, offices for administrative staff, a larger break room/conference area, and storage and information technology closets. Work is about on schedule for the new building with anticipated completion by the end of April. You can hear more about the project during Monday’s Halcyon House Washington Page on air and at kciiradio.com.