A new program will see another passenger added to some Mid-Prairie Community School District bus routes through the end of the school year. At their March 21st meeting, the Mid-Prairie School Board gave the green light to start a Bus Paraprofessional pilot program after the proposal for behavioral paraprofessionals on buses was submitted by Superintendent Mark Schneider and Transportation Director Teresa Hartley. Cost to the district for one staff member to be present on a bus would be around $10,700 per year with a total cost of $160,000 per year if there were to be one on each route bus. After a motion died to accept and create 15 positions with the title, the Board discussed the need for further research and additional criteria to be presented at a future meeting. The Board then decided to approve the creation of a pilot program for the position, made up of three individuals, for the remainder of the current school year, to be paid for out of the general funds.