
An event to reach students and families, community members, and others on topics of depression and suicide prevention is happening in Washington Monday.

Project SAFE of the Cedar River Corridor Area is hosting a free community conversation town hall event at the Kirkwood Washington Regional Center, beginning with a time to visit with area organizations who can provide mental health and other resources from 4:30-6 p.m., and then from 6-8 p.m. the public can listen and participate in a panel discussion led by Project SAFE Founder and President Mike Farr. About five weeks after his son Garrett died by suicide, Farr started the organization to bring education and resources regarding depression and suicide as it is one of the leading causes of death for teenagers, “We just want to reach people so they have an understanding. If we can get one person to understand and save one life out of the process, we’ve done our job. But hopefully we will save multiple lives over time and we want to stamp out the stigma of the word mental health and depression.”

Snacks will be provided during the town hall by Engineered Building Design of Washington, and for the first time at a community event Project SAFE will be giving away a $1,000 and two $500 scholarships to any ninth through 12th grade student who attends to be awarded upon their high school graduation. For more information on Project SAFE, visit here.