Plenty of activities have found their way onto the calendar this weekend around the KCII-listening area to celebrate the holiday.
Fun gets underway Friday with the Easter Bunny making a stop at Washington State Bank on the square from 1-3p.m.
On Saturday at 9:30a.m. Wellman is holding their Easter Egg Hunt at North Park, the SASCHA Club and City of Ainsworth with put on an egg hunt at Marr Park at the same time, and the Crawfordsville Community Club is hosting an easter egg hunt at the WACO Elementary Ball Field at 9:30a.m., following the Crawfordsville Fire Department pancake breakfast. At 10a.m. the Letts Lions Club has the city easter egg hunt at the community center and Keota will hold theirs at Wilson Park with the Easter Bunny on hand for pictures, along with the Hometown Pride Easter Egg Hunt at Morning Sun Elementary at 10a.m. At 10:30a.m. the First Assembly of God Church in Washington will have an egg hunt and the Kalona Historical Village is hosting their Easter egg hunt and spring vendor fair at 10:30a.m. At high noon, it’s the Wapello Easter Egg hunt at the elementary school and at 1p.m. Columbus Junction will have their egg hunt at Chautauqua Park. More information about these events is available on the KCII Community Calendar at KCIIradio.com.