The Washington County Fairgrounds will be sizzling with activity next Saturday for three different events.
First off is the annual “Pancakes & More Breakfast Fundraiser” for the county 4-H program from 7-10:30 a.m. April 23rd in the basement of Dallmeyer Hall on the fairgrounds. 4-H members, parents, and volunteers all work to make the breakfast happen, with dine in, drive up, and take out options available. A freewill offering is accepted to support the youth program. 4-H/Youth Coordinator Amy Green shares that the third annual 4-H Horse Driving Clinic will also be held that day in the horse arena on the southwest side of the fairgrounds. The clinic is held with assistance from the Horse & Pony 4-H Club parents and leaders, and the Southeast Iowa Draft Horse & Mule Association, “They work with us to put on a horse driving clinic for any of our 4-H members. So that would be 4-12th grade can participate and learn about draft horses and learn about the amazing power that they have and how to control them when they are driving a wagon.”
Two clinic sessions will be held at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Green also invites those coming for the pancake breakfast to stick around for the free annual spring preview open cattle show hosted by the 4-H County Council. This is a sanctioned Iowa Junior Beef Breeds Association show and will last from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.