A Lone Tree man has pleaded guilty to charges involving his work with a youth wrestling club. According to court documents, 41-year-old Chad Bell of Lone Tree pleaded guilty, as part of a plea deal, to third degree theft, an aggravated misdemeanor.
Bell, worked as the treasurer for the Lone Tree Little Lions Wrestling Club beginning in 2016 and was named club president in January of 2017. As president, he was in control of the club’s bank account and was the only name listed with the account. According to officials, from January of 2017 through August of 2019, he used the club’s account funds for items such as personal restaurant bills, online shopping, recreation, personal tax preparation, and a tow bill. He also cashed in CDs that the club had invested, totaling more than $8,000, deposited them into the account and spent those funds. Documents list the total money spent by Bell as approximately $19,000. He was initially charged with first degree theft, a class C Felony.
Bell’s judgment has been deferred for one year, with a suspended $855 civil penalty. He is ordered to pay victim restitution of approximately $19,240, of which $15,000 is held in trust, through a payment plan. He is currently under community based corrections supervision in Johnson County.